Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Muckrakers in the Progressive Era - 2521 Words
Muckrakers The term â€Å"muckraker†was originally coined in a speech in 1906 accredited to President Theodore Roosevelt. It was alluding to the man with the Muck-Rake in Bunyan’s â€Å"Pilgrim’s Process. The Man with the Muck rake seeks material advances by raking filth. Roosevelt defined this term as one who inquires into and publishes scandal and allegations of corruption among political and business leaders. Muckrakers in the Progressive Era, a time from 1820 until 1920 when America quickly industrialized, pushed for reform and have altered the way we live today. These reformers brought about the awareness and tackled women’s rights, economic concentration, corporate power, poverty, food safety, and political corruption.†¦show more content†¦In time, she became the groups associations state organizer during the years of 1980 to 1892. Mrs. Catt soon started working in the national organization of National American Woman Suffrage Associ ation writing article, gaining political experience, and giving speeches at conferences in places such as Washington D.C. In 1892, she was asked by Susan B. Anthony to address Congress on the proposed suffrage amendment. She was passed down to role of the President of the National American Women Suffrage Association, a successor of Susan B. Anthony in the year 1900. Catt led this organization during the final challenge of the right to vote before the Nineteenth Amendment, a law allowing women to vote, was ratified in 1920. Catt worked through both state and federal levels persuading legislators to give women the right of suffrage as citizens. After women achieved the franchise, Catt reorganized the National American Women Suffrage Association into the League of Women Voters. Carrie Chapman Catt formulated a plan to achieve women’s suffrage. In April 1911, Carrie began a world tour through Sweden, Europe, Africa, India, Sumatra, the Philippines, China, Korea and Japan, and many other countries founding suffrage organizations and examining women’s conditions throughout the world. Carri e planted new ideas in the minds of citizens in many other nations across the globe. Carry Chapman Cat should be honored and praised by countless institutions forShow MoreRelatedThe Progressive Era Of Social And Political Reform1177 Words  | 5 Pagessocial and political reform took place in the United States known as the Progressive Era. â€Å"The era saw the expansion of political and economic freedom through the reinvigoration of the moment for woman suffrage, the use of political power to expand workers rights’ and efforts to improve democratic government by weakening the power of the city bosses and giving ordinary citizens more influence on legislation.†The progressive reformers from this time gained a majority of their support from the educationRead MoreUnit 8 DBQ904 Words  | 4 PagesCameron Richter Period 0 Unit 8 DBQ Prompt: Evaluate the effectiveness of Progressive Era reformers and the federal government in bringing about reform at the national level. In your answer be sure to analyze the successes and limitations of these efforts in the period 190 1920.  The Progressive movement was an effort to cure American society of many of the ill ideals that had developed during the later parts of the 19th and the early 20th centuries because of the growth of industry. Although great cities and businesses developedRead MoreThe Progressive Era Essay example1010 Words  | 5 Pagescame to a close a new epoch, known as the Progressive Era emerged in response to industrialization. This early 20th century reform movement pursued control of the government to the people. In order to reinstate economic opportunities and to correct inequity in American life. Progressives believed that government could be used as a powerful tool for social improvement (Gillon, Matson 2009). Although the Progressive ideal was presented by numerous Progressive authors of different genre, together theyRead MoreThe Successes of Progressive Era Reformers800 Words  | 4 Pages The Successes of Progressive Era Reformers The Progressive movement was very influential in many ways to early twentieth century America. Businesses became safer, and much more respectful towards their employees. Society accepted moral changes, and became safer communities. The government was affected by the Progressive movement becoming much more democratic, and caring more for the needs of its people. The Progressive movement was successful in reforming American business, society and its governmentRead MoreThe Importance Of The Progressive Era1310 Words  | 6 Pages The Progressive era was a time in America’s history when people started to call for the government’s help to face the problems industrialization brought. This era was extremely important because it helped the people achieve better conditions and helped the government to make better use of its powers. One of the most potent groups of progressivists were muckrakers; they used journalism to bring forward problems and injustices in society and the work industry (McKeown). The Triangle Shirtwaist FireRead MoreThe Rise Of The Progressive Era1418 Words  | 6 PagesDuring the Progressive Era, which was known as a large reform movement, there was a widespread across the United States of political reform and social activism. The main focus and goal of the Progressives and their movement was lowering government involvement and eliminating corruption in the government. Progressives reacted to problems caused by large factories and cities. Furthermore, they attacked big corporations, such as the Armour meat-packing company and others, for how harsh their practicesRead MoreProgressives And The Progressive Era1253 Words  | 6 PagesThe progressive Era was times in History were local state and federal government took a leap forward in power and activism. In addition, the progressive era, was a time of development of new reforms and changes for America. Progressivism handles a wide range of problems and struggle for America. Such problems were created by unstructed industrialization, urbanization and immigration. As well as, the unfavorable distribution of power and wealth. Progressives believed strongly that problems such asRead MoreThe Progressive Era During The 19th Century1195 Words  | 5 PagesThe Progressive Era was social activism and political reform between the 1890s and 1920s. The reformers of the Progressive Era tried to help the corrupt government, improve the not so great economic state for lower and middle class and immigrants, and invoke social change. The reformers were also very effective of making the problems of the 19th century known in America. Media development and some innovation did an excellent job of bolding all the corruption in the government and scandals of publicRead MoreEssay on The Progressive Era873 Words  | 4 PagesThe Progressive Era The turn of the century was marked by a movement known as the Progressive Era, during which many groups sought to reshape the nations government and society in response to the pressure of urbanization and industrialization. Progressives were mainly members of the Post-Civil War generation that made an attempt to master a world much different then that of their parents. With the rise of big business and industrialization came several problems associated with the economicRead MoreThe Progressive Era And Political Reform1330 Words  | 6 Pages The Progressive era was a period around 1890-1920, in which the rise of social activism became apparent as well as political reform. Americans during this time began to move away from rural and began to colonize cities. Progressive activists at the time sought to eliminate government corruption, increase regulation in business practices, and address and resolve health issues in the work force. Journalists known as muckrakers were catalysts of change by informing the public about prominent issues
Monday, May 11, 2020
God And Religion Shaped My Life - 2218 Words
To fully understand how God and religion have shaped my life, you would need to understand a little bit more about me and my past. My parents divorced when I was two and my mom remarried by the time I was 3, my ex-step dad’s family went to a local Christian Church and for the most part I really enjoyed their services, we went every Sunday, participated in other Church activities and attended Church camp in the summers and as a family we worshiped the Lord, and as a family, we lived our life through the Lord. However, when my mom found out her husband had participated in an affair that had lasted more than half of their marriage, they divorced. I was about nine and because we attend his family Church we stopped attending, as you can imagine it was uncomfortable for everyone involved. My mom had found a new Christian Church and it was amazing, they played Christian Rock and the pastor had long hair. Church was on Sunday and youth group was on Wednesday, it quickly became my favo rite day and activity. However, it only lasted until my teenage years, I had been drifting in and out of trouble, hanging out with kids that I shouldn’t have been with and definitely not the kind of kids you run into at Church and through all the hard, awkward middle school moments â€Å"those†kids had my back, the mislead and troubled kids accepted me for me, in a way my church friends never had. Many of â€Å"those†kids, came from homes like I had and they didn’t judge my shortcomings, but mostly I didn’tShow MoreRelatedReligion And Its Impact On Society951 Words  | 4 Pages Religion to me is a set of beliefs and practices that can determine actions in everyday life by determining morals and deciding what is right and wrong in each society. This is a general idea that I believe has guided societies for centuries and has shaped today’s cultures. 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My experiences with God are that I put faith in Him daily and goRead MoreReligious Affiliation As A Choice998 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Episcopal church, God has always been a part of my life. As I have grown up, however, I have continuously assessed my religiosity regarding my faith. Using the book’s definition, I believe my religiosity is subtle yet traditional. But when it comes to my own beliefs, there are several factors that have shaped the way I perceive God, faith, religion, and their role in my life. Growing up in the Episcopal church, I have always had a sort of â€Å"relaxed†understanding of God and His teachings. BeginningRead MoreDurkheim s Vision Of Religion1604 Words  | 7 PagesReligion is one of the biggest functions in our society. (Kabamba, September 23) Religious rituals are also taught from the time one is born. Religion does not have to be one specific sect or group of people but religion is defined by the beliefs of the people and their ideologies. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect Of The Great War On The Middle East - 2163 Words
The Sykes-Picot Agreement, or more commonly known as the Asia Minor Agreement, is one of the most pivotal events in the history of the Middle East that would alter the very structure of the region. It continues to negatively impact the countries that were involved due to the decisions made when it was signed and immediately after. The main purpose of the agreement was the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire after it was defeated in World War One . The Middle East region did offer many advantages to the Western powers for economic benefits, trading routes and commerce . The Great War was a major turning point for many regions across the European theatre but especially in the Middle East, the war signalled the end of the Ottoman Empire, a†¦show more content†¦The French representative was Francois-Georges Picot, a professional diplomat with extensive experience in the Middle Eastern region. The Middle East offered a vast number of opportunities to the Western countries in par ticular Britain’s interest in the provinces was focused on the protection of its routes to India. Securing cheap accessible oil for the British Empire’s needs and maintaining the balance of power in the Mediterranean to its own advantage and protecting financial issues were also their interests in the region. France aimed to preserved its centuries old ties with the Syrian Catholics, gain a strategic and economic base in the eastern Mediterranean, guarantee a cheap supply flow of cotton and silk and prevent Arab nationalism from infecting the French north African empire . All of these goals from both the British and the French were never going to be successful. With the help of Imperial Russia, the Western representatives divided up the region into specific French and British administrated areas referring as zones and areas. From 1920 onwards, the British and the French formalised the control these territories by the League of Nations Mandate system, and France was assigned the Mandate of Syria which gave control over modern Lebanon and the port of Alexandretta .The ‘Blue Zone’ was the area expanding from the coastal strip of Syria, Lebanon and the
Mahatma Gandhi Research Paper Free Essays
Aroused by the massacre of Amritsar in 1919, Gandhi devoted his life to gaining India’s independence from Great Britain. As the dominant figure used his persuasive philosophy of non-violent confrontation, he inspired political activists with many persuasions throughout the world (Andrews 23). Not only was Mahatma Gandhi a great peacemaker, but also his work to achieve freedom and equality for all people was greatly acknowledged. We will write a custom essay sample on Mahatma Gandhi Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Gandhi’s unconventional style of leadership gained him the love of a country and eventually enabled him to lead the independence movement in India. Mohandas Gandhi, later called Mahatma Gandhi, was born on October 2,1869 in Porbandar, which is the present day state of Gujarat, India (Andrews 17). He grew up in a very controlled family that had an alliance with the family ruling Kathiawad. He was engaged to two other women who both died, then he eventually married Kasturba at the age of 13. Gandhi sailed to England to attend University College in London to study law (Kamat’s Potpourri). In 1891, he was able to practice in the British bar. Gandhi went back to India and tried to authorize a law practice in Bombay, with very little achievement. Two years later, an Indian firm with curiosity in South Africa had an office in Durban where Gandhi was commissioned as legal advisor. This is where he lived for twenty years once he began his job doing labor on the sugar estates in South Africa (Moreorless). As soon as he arrived in Durban, he found himself being treated as if he was not human. The Africans forbade fundamental individual rights and political rights from the Indian immigrants. This conduct resulted in Gandhi’s outburst in fury towards the African’s reactions to Indian immigrants to South Africa. He then began a civil right’s campaign, which resulted in the development of his passive resistance policy, which eventually inspired thousands. The Union of South Africa government adjusted Gandhi’s demands, which included recognition of Indian marriages and abolition of the poll tax (Kamat’s Potpourri). When this man saw how terrible people were being treated because of diversity he said, â€Å"†There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever,†(Gold 231). By saying that, he meant that no one should worry about where hey stand in society or how they are judged because in God’s eyes everyone is perfect and everyone is equal therefore, no one who has any faith in God should be worrying about their so called â€Å"imperfections. †This great man struggled to gain the important rights for all Indians, and this is where it all began. Once Gandhi’ s mission in South Africa was complete, he returned to India and became involved in the home ruling movement. He was concerned with excessive land tax and discrimination, so he organized protests by peasants, farmers, and urban laborers to help them stand tall and fight for what they deserved (Gold 57). During World War I, Gandhi had an active part in recruiting campaigns by launching his new movement of non-violent resistance to Great Britain (Byers 202). When Parliament passed the Rowlatt Acts in 1919, Satyagraha, which means insistence on truth, spread throughout India, recruiting millions of followers. British soldiers massacred Indians at Amritsar as a demonstration against the Rowlatt Acts. In 1920 the British government failed to make peace, which resulted in Gandhi organizing a campaign of non-cooperation (Andrews 103). There was chaos in India as the public office resigned, courts were boycotted, and children were taken out of schools. Sitting Indians, who ignored police officers when told to move, even if they got beaten, blocked the streets. Gandhi was arrested, but the British soon were forced to free him. India’s economic independence was made of Gandhi’s Swaraj (self governing) movement. Because of this, India boycotted all British goods and British industrialists were left in extreme poverty across India. To save the country, Gandhi brought back cottage industries. He started to symbolize the return of simple village life by using a spinning wheel. â€Å"Gandhi became the international symbol of a free India. He lived a spiritual and ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and meditation,†(Andrews 126). He refused material possessions, and wore the lowest-class clothing and supported himself on only vegetables, fruits, and goat’s milk. Fellow Indians looked at him as a God-like force, often referring to him as Mahatma (which means great-souled). Gandhi’s ahimsa (idea of nonviolence), was essentially the way of life in the Hindu religion. Since India followed Gandhi’s ahimsa with such support, Britain would soon understand that violence is useless in this country and leave. In 1921, Gandhi received complete leadership from the Indian National Congress, the group that started the movement for nationhood. But, the Indian population could not understand why the whole world wasn’t practicing and showing the ahimsa (Kamat’s Potpurri). Because of this, many armed revolts broke out against the British. Gandhi eventually admitted that his campaign was a failure, and quickly tried to end it. Gandhi was then seized and imprisoned by the British government in 1922. He was released in 1924, and distanced himself from being involved in any politics and instead focused on getting the Indian community closer (Gold 149). Unavoidably, he was brought back into the political forces. In 1930, a new campaign of civil disobedience was called to the Indian population saying they should refuse to pay taxes, especially on salt (Moreorless). The campaign was the famous march to the sea, where thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea, and made salt by evaporating sea-water. Gandhi was again arrested, but released in 1931 as he stopped the campaign. In 1932, Gandhi started new civil-disobedience campaigns against the British. Since he was arrested twice, the Mahatma fasted for long periods many times. These fasts were very useful against the British because revolts would have broken out if Gandhi had died. In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi performed a â€Å"fast unto death†in order to help the Hindu Untouchables. (Byers 202). The British considered the Untouchables as a separate part of the Indian government and tolerated their injustice. Although Gandhi was a member of the upper caste, he strongly believed in removing this unjust caste system. In 1934 Gandhi resigned from politics, being replaced by Jawaharlal Nehru. Gandhi continued teaching ahimsa and traveled across India. He was known for his dedication and political power. Since he was viewed with such great esteem, the British had to wait for Gandhi’s approval to limit the home rule in 1935. In 1939 he returned to politics and designed his first act manipulate the ruler of the state of Rajkot to change his autocratic rule (Moreorless). The colonial government had to intervene because the fast caused commotion across the country. When World War II broke out, the Congress party and Gandhi refused to support Britain in the war unless they were given complete independence. The British refused their proposal. When Japan entered the war, Gandhi still refused to allow India to fight in the war. He was imprisoned in 1942 but was freed after two years due to his bad health (Kamat’s Potpourri). By 1944 the British agreed to allow Indian independence only if the two nationalist groups, the Muslim League and the Congress party, resolved their issues (Andrews 178). Gandhi was strongly against the dividing of India but in the end had to agree, hoping that peace would be accomplished after the demand for Muslim separation was achieved. India and Pakistan split to two separate states when India gained its independence in 1947. Gandhi begged Hindus and Muslims to live together peacefully during the riots. Mahatma fasted until the riots stopped (Moreorless). He also fasted successfully on January 13, 1948, to bring about peace, but twelve days after that fast ended he was assassinated by a Hindu on his way to an evening prayer (Byers 203). Gandhi’s death was a worldwide devastation that left the population in shock. In the United Nations there was a day set aside to mourn for Gandhi and remember his acts of nonviolence for eternity. All countries sent their apologies and reassured that he would never be forgotten. The teachings of nonviolent movements were inspired in other countries, as well as the U. S. A. â€Å"under the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and in South Africa under Nelson Mandela,†(Moreorless). Gandhi was the most inspirational leader in the twentieth century because of his unique tactics of protesting and making peace worldwide. The most persuasive ways of accomplishing change in social issues came from his idea of civil disobedience and nonviolence, which advised freedom movements around the globe (Moreorless). This political leader and peacemaker will always be remembered as a successful man who impacted many to be non-violent. This accomplishment is a great achievement because without this concept India may still have been fighting for independence. Gandhi said, â€Å"The†(Moreorless) and that is what Gandhi chose to do. By doing favors for other people he was able to find out who he was, he found out he was the Mahatma because he truly did have a great soul. How to cite Mahatma Gandhi Research Paper, Essays
Global Operations Management Ppq Parts Pros and Cons Essay Example For Students
Global Operations Management Ppq Parts Pros and Cons Essay The applications provided are the most adaptable in a business proposal; most of the customers place their focus on the strategy Of the application Which also has the most complete business portfolio. The business areas of the Oracle include: * Financial Management * Customer Relationship Management * Procurement * Supply Chain Management * Product Lifestyle Management * Asset Lifestyle Management Manufacturing Oracle pros: Database and the application have an excellent integration Useful schedule information is provided ;k Sales forecasting is very strong * Under the Oracle there is an approach that provides different products Oracle Cons: * Oracle forms are incompatible with other databases ;k Online reports seem to not be very user friendly * Most normal activities that are industry specific are not offered SAP Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing, this is the meaning of SAP. SAP is an Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that is brings together different applications. Each application may accommodate a different business type area but it still makes sure that the real time information is exchanged. SAP is complex and is a more complicated (ERR) system because it requires money Who is proficient With the knowledge to program it for its intended use throughout the business. SAP operates on the fourth generation programming language, this is referred to the Advance Business Application Programming (APP)_ SAP provides four basic business areas, these business areas include: Financial business * Logistics (planning, implementing, and coordination of detail) * Human Resources * Manufacturing SAP Pros: * It is flexible With integration and has a better range Of databases versus Oracle * SAP offers merged products * The ERP solution for SAP is flexible SAP cons: The appearance for business processes is complicated * It is very difficult to actually employ SAP Being as flexible as SAP is, it can be harmful and cause unneeded risks Peoples People soft is a great system that many companys use today. People soft is part of the Oracle enterprise application, This system was designed to handle requirements tort a company that may seem to be more compounded and may require an intelligent type of software to sift through it, gay providing an integrated business solut ion to meet the industry standard by enabling organizations to boost its productivity, move forward with the business reference, and lower the cost of ownership, this application has given the ability to provide proficient knowledge from an experts point of view. These areas include: Financial Management ;k Human Capital Management ;k Supplier Relationship Management Peoples Pros: * Peoples can grow along With the company * It is web based and combines the latest features * Simplified transaction approvals * Allows to save money by excluding the 3rd party APS Peoples Cons: * People soft only has one negative; it is hard to identify components with the long purchase orders Info BAN Previously BAN was a provider of enterprise resource planning software but currently is now under the ownership of a company called Information Global Systems. In my research there are is a good amount of companies that still use the software system BAA even though more advanced systems are available at the fingertips. The Bandanna and ERP LEN are versions of the BAN and are the most spread out and widely used programs, they are still determined the top of the class for ERP mainly for the manufacturing division. Information BAN provides a path for solutions that hav e been modified in a certain way that meets he needs of any business. The functions that Info BAN can provide are: Finance * Project ;k Manufacturing * Distribution ;k Transportation * Service ;k Control Planning * Utilities BAN Pros: * Microsoft is compatible With BAN * Best in the ERP class in the manufacturing division * user interface comes with graphics and point to click features B,MN Cons: * Compared to Oracle, BAN isnt as strong. BAN relies on its compatibility with other platforms * ERP areas are limited Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft has always had great reputation for software systems. Material Requirement Planning (MR..), Capacity Requirement Planning (CRAP), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) all are offered in the Microsoft package. .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 , .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .postImageUrl , .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 , .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20:hover , .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20:visited , .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20:active { border:0!important; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20:active , .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20 .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2c33147a4dfbd4d232cae74992ecdc20:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Arts and Culture Sector Report EssayMicrosoft uses technology like Microsoft Office Suites, Microsoft SQL Server (data management software), and Microsoft Sharpening Server. All of these are used daily by businesses. Think PC parts would benefit from using the Microsoft Partner Network Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) capability because PC would have an advantage of using the systems to demonstrate their proficiency in deploying Microsoft Dynamic financial and supplying chain solutions that elate to the product line functions. Also, by implementing the Microsoft package, PC would be able to increase its revenue and open up a lot more possibilities to deliver further capa bility. Microsoft Dynamic Pros: ;k Access to the real time data * Transmitting data is easy as well as safe ERP for Microsoft can be used globally * Microsoft ERP comes With high security and performance Microsoft Dynamic Cons: * Customizations that are far. Reaching may not be supported * Might not work with all industries * Not as many options offered for add-on support and features Sage 500 Sage is a great kind of software that brings together both management and financial accounting functions. They support and consolidate functions throughout the company and the software package has the intensity and span of being not only able to function with the flexibility in a way to be customized per any request but also set up to accommodate the needs of certain parts of the organization. Sage 500 is an enterprise resource planning (ERP). In a company, Sage 500 is a very helpful tool in certain areas.
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